Last weekend, Sam and I went for the first bike ride of the year! Sam will bike in all weather, but I’ll only bike when it’s sunny and warm. We just went for a ride around Central Park, but our somewhat harried ride to the park reminded me of this video, have you seen it? It’s a short …

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When it comes to lamps and nightstands and even silverware, Sam and I differ. We both love a clean, mid-century-esque base for a room (hence, we both love our couch and dresser). We both love wood with some personality (so our dining table and chairs are in the clear). But when it comes to decor, …

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March 18, 2014

I’m working on a big project this week, but it’s pretty boring, so until it’s done I won’t force it on anyone else.

In the meantime, I’m sure I’m the last person in the world to discover these, but I’ve fallen down the rabbit hole that is Into The Gloss interviews. Ostensibly, they focus on beauty routines (and have been making the rounds because Shailene Woodley just did one and predictably said a whole lot of totally bizarre and completely amazing random stuff like how healthy it is to get sun on your lady parts on a regular basis), but really they’re like reading an imprint of the mind of each woman. They really bring to light how inextricably our identities are linked not only the unchangeable aspects of our looks, but also our relationship to the ritual we put into appearance each day. They’re also completely judgement free. Where most beauty regimen articles are full of “shoulds” and “shouldn’ts” and appropriate and not, these, refreshingly, just serve as a reflection of the inner-life of the woman being interviewed, through the lens of her relationship to her skin.

Check out some of my favs:


When I get out, I pull myself together and look in the mirror and say, ‘It’s going to be OK.’ It’s when I feel the most beautiful. – China Machado Continue reading