There was a moment, a while ago, when several things conflated into an impossibly good idea. I was saying something to Sam about how he could never understand what I was talking about (who knows exactly what it was that we were talking about) because he was an east coaster and I’m a west coaster (never …

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When my sisters and I were little, we lived in a neighborhood made of cul-de-sacs, making it the perfect place for gaggles of children to roam around, always within sight of someone’s house, even if it wasn’t their own. We were given few rules: we had to stick together, and when the street lights came …

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I didn’t really “live” in my last apartment the way I “live” in this one. It was completely unintentional. I moved in envisioning settling in, nesting, making it feel like a home. Then life got in the way in huge and all-encompassing ways and “nesting” took a backseat for a while. Now, though, even as …

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